Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ruth Lilly finalists announced

Poetry magazine announced the 45 finalists for the Ruth Lilly Fellowship (not bad out of 900 applicants) and three of them (that I know of) are from the University of Michigan MFA program. Congratulations to Britta Ameel who graduated the year before I came into the poetry program (I think). And congrats to Emily Zinnemann and Elizabeth Gramm who came into the program the year after me. They are all lovely people and talented poets to boot! :) The winner will be announced September 1. Personally I hope that Emily and Elizabeth tie and have to mud wrestle or, better yet, duke it out karaoke style.

As an added bonus, here's a super sweet blog posting by Emily's mom about the whole thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well personally I'd root for the mud-wrestling over karaoke... but that's just me...